Honeywell Safety Shop UX Research/Design

Honeywell is a major world wide producer of personal protective equipment (PPE) for a wide variety of workplace hazards. During the 2020 pandemic they were looked to as a major distributor of PPE for the changing needs of the everyday workplace. Honeywell developed a ‘Safety Shop’ to respond to the needs of workers impacted by the pandemic, but there were some user hurdles and design flaws that made the shop confusing to use. A UX design evaluation and new user flow was needed. Below is my solution.

The Problem

I conducted user research interviews of the current Honeywell Safety Shop potential users including, a teacher, a waiter, a retail manager, a civil engineer, and an operations director of an essential business. All of these users are potential customers that would need to use or provide quality PPE to their employees/team during the global pandemic.

The report found some major flaws. Read the full report here. To sum it up the users had difficulty finding the correct website where they could link to the Safety Store. Most users found PPE products they were interested in but not the site where they could purchase those products. The two users who found the Safety Shop found the selection limiting and were interested in product that Honeywell manufactures but could not locate those products in a Safety Shop.

I developed a few users personas to encourage empathy for the user and to document the scenarios that a user would want to find and purchase PPE from Honeywell.


Now that the problems were documented, I needed to figure out what a better solution would be. I mapped out a user journey to better understand the users actions, touch points, pain points and possible solutions for those.

Next I mapped out the users flows of the two current websites with a red end point for where the user was getting hung up. From those two user flows I developed a flow where those red “end points” were no longer stopping users from finding products, adding them to the cart, and purchasing them.

Safety Shop User Experience
User Flow

View mobile and desktop clickable wireframes.

Clickable prototype

View mobile and desktop clickable visual designs.

The Solution

From the user flows and experience I was able to proceed with a clear idea of the users needs and movement through the site to help them successfully find and purchase what the need.

A few rounds of wireframing and clickable prototypes got me to the mobile and desktop wireframes. From there I was able to apply the Honeywell brand and finish my clickable visual designs for mobile and desktop versions of the new Safety Shop experience.